What Is Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy Explained, Hypnotherapy Defined - Hypnotherapy FAQs - everything you wanted to know about hypnotherapy and hypnosis ...

Hypnotherapy FAQS, Hypnosis faqs, hypnotherapy and hypnosis

What Is Hypnotherapy ...

"Practice of hypnotherapy" means the practice of employing the controlled inducement of altered states of consciousness, or trance, to reduce pain, resolve emotional conflicts, and enhance communications as part of diagnostic and treatment programs, which includes instruction in the principles of hypnosis and suggestion, induction and deepening, post-hypnotic suggestion, awakening techniques, regression, pacing, and leading, resistance transformation, and client testing."
State of Hawaii

"General hypnotherapy" means a professional relationship between a hypnotherapist and a client in which the hypnotherapist provides assistance to the client in matters related to the recreational, philosophical, vocational, avocational, educational, stress management, or self-improvement goals of the client, provided such self-improvement goals are not the focus of a medical or mental health disorder."
State of Illinois

"Hypnotherapy" means the induction of a hypnotic state in a client to increase motivation or alter behavioral patterns.
Hypnotherapy includes consultation with a client to determine the nature of the client's problem, assessment of a client to determine his or her suitability for hypnotherapy, preparation of a client to enter a hypnotic state, explanation to a client of the nature of the hypnotic state, instruction of a client in self-hypnosis conditioning, testing a client to determine the degree of physical and emotional suggestibility, induction of the hypnotic state in a client using individualized methods and techniques based on interpretation of test results and analysis of problems, and discussion with a client regarding the results of hypnosis."
State of Illinois

"Hypnotherapy is a form of complementary and alternative treatment whereby the client (or patient) receives positive therapeutic suggestions, under hypnosis, enabling the client to make the changes that he or she desires."

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Hypnotherapy FAQs, Hypnosis Questions and Answers